This review is based on the PDF, which was purchased at full price at the retail launch.
I don't really know how to review this game, as it's simultaneously a combination of familiar systems and nothing like anything else I've seen before. I haven't brought this to the table yet, and that's probably part of the problem here. With that said, I'm not going too deep, if you want that, read the Cannibal Halfling review below. (Spoiler: they really liked it.)
The system is essentially a combination of Fate Accelerated and Blades in the Dark, in that it's basically all Approaches and Clocks, and that's it. There's a basic resolution system (I use basic loosely), with no subsystems (like, say, combat), and no stats or skills, just Approaches and Traits. Nearly everything is broken down into musical references that I'll leave to the individual to say whether they work for them or not, because I suspect this is all dependent on the individual as to whether or not the game is successful at wha...
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |
I've loved Evil Dead since the 1980s. Even though I'm tepid on Army of Darkness (which is being kind), the RPG does a great job of capturing the freneticism and chaos on the film. It does not do a good job of capturing the gore, murder, and mayhem of the entire series, proper (AoD was just a satirical send-up of the other two, and the second was just a remake of the first).
Most of it's silly, over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, and Fantasy. With the other Fantasy elements scattered through Buffy, Angel, et.al., I'd sell this as a Fantasy game moreso than Evil Dead, but it features several scenarios from different eras, and more than a handful of variations on the Deadites. UniSystem Cinematic (Angel/BtVS)....
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |