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Core Rulebook Character Pack 1 | Marvel Multiverse RPG
by Billy
Publisher: Marvel
Date Added: 01/25/2025 14:50:10
pixel_trans.gif Core Rulebook Character Pack 1 | Marvel Multiverse RPG Glad these are available in PDF now! Fantastic! This makes it much easier to prep and prepare for local gaming groups at your neighborhood Game/Comic shop.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cataclysm of Kang Character Pack | Marvel Multiverse RPG
by Billy
Publisher: Marvel
Date Added: 01/25/2025 14:48:52
pixel_trans.gif Cataclysm of Kang Character Pack | Marvel Multiverse RPG Glad these are available in PDF now! Fantastic! This makes it much easier to prep and prepare for local gaming groups at your neighborhood Game/Comic shop.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Devil's Train #0
by Matthew R.
Publisher: Bliss on Tap
Date Added: 12/16/2024 20:17:14
pixel_trans.gif The Devil's Train #0 I love this book! It’s a Tease to the talented M.D. Shitkicker and Bullseye. If you want to get sucked out of reality and in a world full of unlimited stunt action and good storytelling…GET THIS!!!! what I love about this series is that if youre a movie buff like me? Matt would put little references from classic stunt movies. This book is definitely worth reading over and over to really soak in all the details and all the easter eggs. i highly highly recommend getting this graphic novel! Kaboom! Thunderfoot!...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Modern Mythology
by Robert
Publisher: Relentless Fiction
Date Added: 12/06/2024 21:08:32
pixel_trans.gif Modern Mythology Nearly unreadable. Both the (lack of) editing and the cluttered layout obscure what might be a good superhero game. It is really hard to tell... My advice? Give this a pass until the writers give it an editting pass. Seriously!

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Rokugan: The Art of the Legend of the Five Rings
by Owen
Publisher: Aconyte Books
Date Added: 12/05/2024 16:33:26
pixel_trans.gif Rokugan: The Art of the Legend of the Five Rings Images so pixelated that any detail is lost (you can't even read the text on maps) which you can't even copy. It's shameful to even sell as an artbook something so consciously inferior to the indiviudal artsists online (& free) portfolios. At least they're credited.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Cowboy Bebop Roleplaying Game - Corebook
by Jason
Publisher: Mana Project Studio
Date Added: 12/04/2024 08:02:45
pixel_trans.gif Cowboy Bebop  Roleplaying Game - Corebook This review is based on the PDF, which was purchased at full price at the retail launch. I don't really know how to review this game, as it's simultaneously a combination of familiar systems and nothing like anything else I've seen before. I haven't brought this to the table yet, and that's probably part of the problem here. With that said, I'm not going too deep, if you want that, read the Cannibal Halfling review below. (Spoiler: they really liked it.) The system is essentially a combination of Fate Accelerated and Blades in the Dark, in that it's basically all Approaches and Clocks, and that's it. There's a basic resolution system (I use basic loosely), with no subsystems (like, say, combat), and no stats or skills, just Approaches and Traits. Nearly everything is broken down into musical references that I'll leave to the individual to say whether they work for them or not, because I suspect this is all dependent on the individual as to whether or not the game is successful at wha...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Ghosts of Albion
by Christopher
Publisher: Eden Studios
Date Added: 11/10/2024 21:45:27
pixel_trans.gif Ghosts of Albion I love the Cinematic UniSystem and this really brings a lot to it. I haven't had long enough to do a Magic Box check of everything, but it does a better job of handling spells and magic than I ever expected.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Modern Mythology
by Rice
Publisher: Relentless Fiction
Date Added: 11/03/2024 11:19:30
pixel_trans.gif Modern Mythology Great RPG with good rules and a fully fleshed out background. I am looking forward to collecting material from this company and for this game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade, Winter's Teeth Volume 2
by Kyle F.
Publisher: Vault Comics
Date Added: 10/30/2024 00:53:00
pixel_trans.gif Vampire: The Masquerade, Winter's Teeth Volume 2 After writing a review for the first volume, I figured I should go ahead and do Volume 2 as well. My opinions are relatively consistent between the two, so there will be nothing new here if you've read that one. The story started in Volume 1 reaches its conclusion here as the two seperate stories being told continue to their conclusion, crossing paths on occassion. There's some really great story happening here and I hold that of the few fiction products produced under the V5 banner, this is probably the best of them. It does not sugarcoat the potential cruelty of the Kindred and the things they will resort to when backed into a corner. The end of the story also sets up for continuation in the mini-series that follows it, Crimson Thaw, which introduces Werewolves into the mix so if you enjoy this story, definitely check that one out too. On the more objective side of things, the genreal quality of the PDF is quite good. The images are clean and clear, and the text is easy to...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade, Winter's Teeth Volume 1
by Kyle F.
Publisher: Vault Comics
Date Added: 10/16/2024 04:05:58
pixel_trans.gif Vampire: The Masquerade, Winter's Teeth Volume 1 I've owned physical copies of Winter's Teeth since it originally released as individual issues, but finally decided to buy a digital copy since I wanted to reread and check some things in it and have most of my comics pute away. The sale didn't hurt either! This is easily one of the best non-TTRPG products to come out of the 5th edition and has a great story and interesting characters. The comic is actually 2 stories that play out side by side each issue. The first story is from the Camarilla point of view and follows Cecily Bane, the Sheriff of the Twin Cities in enacting her nightly duties. Her unlife grows complicated with the appearance of Alejandra, a seemingly newly Embraced Caitiff that Cecily ultimately is put in charge of. The 2nd story is set on the Anarch side of things and follows Colleen Pendergrass, a Thin-Blood and her coterie of Anarch misfits as they try to get by. These two stories will ultimately start to intersect in interesting ways, and the story re...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Army of Darkness Corebook
by Christopher
Publisher: Eden Studios
Date Added: 10/14/2024 18:27:51
pixel_trans.gif Army of Darkness Corebook I've loved Evil Dead since the 1980s. Even though I'm tepid on Army of Darkness (which is being kind), the RPG does a great job of capturing the freneticism and chaos on the film. It does not do a good job of capturing the gore, murder, and mayhem of the entire series, proper (AoD was just a satirical send-up of the other two, and the second was just a remake of the first). Most of it's silly, over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek, and Fantasy. With the other Fantasy elements scattered through Buffy, Angel,, I'd sell this as a Fantasy game moreso than Evil Dead, but it features several scenarios from different eras, and more than a handful of variations on the Deadites. UniSystem Cinematic (Angel/BtVS)....

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sharing Walls, Issue #1
by Jonathan
Publisher: Noah Kastin
Date Added: 10/02/2024 13:25:47
pixel_trans.gif Sharing Walls, Issue #1 A very funny webcomic, especially for fans of WoW.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Total Party Killer #1
by M P.
Publisher: Scout Comics and Entertainment
Date Added: 09/23/2024 10:43:22
pixel_trans.gif Total Party Killer #1 Went into this with basically no expectations, and I was very pleasantly surprised. The art is magnificent, just on the right side of stylised, and the story is fun (and funny), with a nice twist ending. Kind of hope Yu makes this into a full series.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Chris
Publisher: Autarch
Date Added: 09/21/2024 15:40:28
pixel_trans.gif Ascendant A poorly edited and overly complex mess, I'm afraid, with some questionable balance decisions to boot. Other reviewers have articulated these issues better than I can. In the end all I can say is that I do not recommend this one.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Traveller: Riftbreaker #1
by Scott
Publisher: AAM Markosia
Date Added: 08/29/2024 18:21:10
pixel_trans.gif Traveller: Riftbreaker #1 This does a great job of feeling like the start of a Traveller campaign. The art is okay and very true to what should represent ships, aliens, and tech in the OTU. The end matter of discussing the planned voyage, ship stats, etc. was a welcome addition. I look forward to the next issue. I especially appreciated the care taken to make the narrative fit within the established game rules of the Traveller RPG. I am here for this and will buy anything that does so! To paraphrase what they used to say in the halcyon days of comics, "Make mine AAM Markosla!"...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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