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Pepper&Carrot - Book 1: The Potion of Flight

Pepper&Carrot - Book 1: The Potion of Flight

Pepper&Carrot is about "Pepper", a young witch and her cat, "Carrot". They live in a fun fantasy universe made of potions, magic and creatures. It's a comedy/humor webcomic suited for everyone. No mature content, no violence. This book contains episodes of the webcomic from 1 to 11 over 72 pages (plus a sketchbook bonus at the end). The size is 8,5"x11" (21,59x27,94cm) on premium paper. Look at...   [click here for more]
David Revoy  $3.50

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Pepper&Carrot - Book 2: The Witches of Chaosah

Pepper&Carrot - Book 2: The Witches of Chaosah

Pepper&Carrot is about "Pepper", a young witch and her cat, "Carrot". They live in a fun fantasy universe made of potions, magic and creatures. It's a comedy/humor webcomic suited for everyone. No mature content, no violence. This book contains episodes of the webcomic from 12 to 21 on 72 pages. The size is 8,5"x11" (21,59x27,94cm) on premium paper. Look at the video for full detail about the...   [click here for more]
David Revoy  $3.50

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Pepper&Carrot - Book 3: The Butterfly Effect

Pepper&Carrot - Book 3: The Butterfly Effect

Pepper&Carrot is about "Pepper", a young witch and her cat, "Carrot". They live in a fun fantasy universe made of potions, magic and creatures. It's a comedy/humor webcomic suited for everyone. No mature content, no violence. This book contains episodes of the webcomic from 22 to 29 on 72 pages (plus a Making-of bonus at the end). The size is 8,5"x11" (21,59x27,94cm) on premium paper. Look at...   [click here for more]
David Revoy  $3.50

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Pepper&Carrot - Book 4: Everything Changes

Pepper&Carrot - Book 4: Everything Changes

Pepper&Carrot is about "Pepper", a young witch and her cat, "Carrot". They live in a fun fantasy universe made of potions, magic and creatures. It's a comedy/humor webcomic suited for everyone. No mature content, no violence. This book contains episodes of the webcomic from episode 30 to 36 on 72 pages (65 comic pages, plus a mini 2 pages making-of bonus at the end). See the video under for a...   [click here for more]
David Revoy  $3.50

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Section 12 (Antarctic Special) #3

Section 12 (Antarctic Special) #3

Section 12: Every year millions of dollars are given in scientific grants by governments all over the world. This money is used to further research and the quality of life for mankind as a whole. We celebrate scientific break-throughs and make celebrities out of these top-tier scientists that make our lives better. However for every success story there are hundreds of failures. We...   [click here for more]
Lenovations Press  $5.99 $2.99

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Imagine your best friend has blown up and become the biggest movie star on the planet. Now image that you (best friend) and your sister (girlfriend) have up-rooted your lives and took him up on a promise he made long ago to hook you up when he became famous. However, when you get there you realize not only are you not welcome but you've already been replaced! ...   [click here for more]
Invulnerable Comics  Pay What You Want

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Eyrbyggja Saga

Eyrbyggja Saga

Eyrbyggja Saga brings together the lives of many notorious settlers from Iceland’s early days. It weaves together their life stories as they laugh, cry, fight, marry and murder one another. It is a turbulent time that ushers in the age of Christianity, but not before the land is cursed by witches, ghosts, berserkers and blood rain. The original Icelandic saga has been adapted into a graphic...   [click here for more]
Pendelhaven  $9.98 $5.99

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Shianndrea: Tales of the Toshigawa book 01

Shianndrea: Tales of the Toshigawa book 01

It's TIME!! The Toshigawa ninja team vs the best ninjas that Japan has to offer in this all out battle of tradition, destiny and martial arts greatness! Who will come out on top in the Dark Tournament? If you are a fan of fighting games, this is for you. It's going to be explosive! ...   [click here for more]
Toshigawa Universe  $16.00 $5.00

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Exalted: The Comic Series - Collection

Exalted: The Comic Series - Collection

From the pages of White Wolf's hit RPG comes a new fantasy comic that will shake Creation to its knees. Udon Comics is proud to present a series that will appeal to the thousands of existing Exalted fans as well as brand new readers with no prior knowledge of the RPG line. A young boy named Kidale is anointed with the power of a reincarnated Solar Exalted and becomes the catalyst for conflict and...   [click here for more]
UDON  $9.99

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Jetta: Tales of the Toshigawa - Harbinger

Jetta: Tales of the Toshigawa - Harbinger

As Shianndrea Toshigawa recovers from her encounter with Slash and his family of evil ninja, Maria and the Miami sect of the Toshigawa Ninja clan prepare to prevent an all out war to fall onto the streets. Will Shianndrea wake up in time? Illustrated by Martheus Wade Cowritten by Janet Wade Editor Kevin Williams ...   [click here for more]
Toshigawa Universe  $10.00 $5.00

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Boston Metaphysical Society - Chapter One Special Digital Edition

Boston Metaphysical Society - Chapter One Special Digital Edition

The year is 1895...An evil from a parallel dimension escaped and now roams the city of Boston. Our world has developed along the lines of Steampunk technology, but with a modern twist. Here exists steam driven rudimentary computers and electronics. And dirigibles rule the sky. But with it comes social and political upheaval...   [click here for more]
Madeleine Holly-Rosing  $1.99

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Ditko Kaiju Comics (Gorgo & Konga)

Ditko Kaiju Comics (Gorgo & Konga)

Ditko Kaiju Comics has the creator of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange drawing two of the biggest movie monsters of all time, the gargantuan Gorgo and the colossal Konga! Gorgo goes to Hollywood, fights aliens, and takes on the Cuban Army. We also learn Konga's origin story, and watch as he rampages through South America. 100 Big Pages of giant monsters from the Silver Age of Comics! ...   [click here for more]
Mini-Komix  $3.00 $0.99

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Love Only the Body 2

Love Only the Body 2

Tohgoh is caught by her coworker Sayama at a lesbian bar, who then begins pursuing her now that she knows she has a chance! While Tohgoh wants a legitimate girlfriend, Sayama is bent on trying to make her a toy... Their relationship from here can only get steamier!. This is the continuation of Love Only the Body 1 by Namaniku. *This work contains explicit content that may not be suitable...   [click here for more]
YURI HUB  $3.28

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Hearts of Flame volume 1 (炎の心1巻)

Hearts of Flame volume 1 (炎の心1巻)

(English Version) Fuyu makes the worst mistake of his life, sending his friends into exile. Their situation quickly deteriorates.  ...   [click here for more]
Inside Wall (中の壁)  $9.16

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Princess Lucinda Graphic Novel- Book 2 : Princesses in the city

Princess Lucinda Graphic Novel- Book 2 : Princesses in the city

When you’re a magical Princess Earth is the last place you want to be.  A boring world orbiting one sun populated by hairless apes is more of a prison than a refuge.  Still, Lucinda isn’t one to give up and neither are her enemies.  Princess Lucinda: Princesses in the city, follows not only Lucinda and her sister adapting to their new home and status in the big apple, but shows...   [click here for more]
Relentless Fiction  $3.99

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Pepper&Carrot - Buch 1: Der Flugtrank

Pepper&Carrot - Buch 1: Der Flugtrank

Pepper&Carrot handelt von "Pepper", eine junge Hexe und ihrer Katze "Carrot". Sie leben in einem lustingen Fantasieuniversum, welches Tränke und magische Kreaturen enthällt. Es ist ein humorvolles Web-Comic, dass für jede(n) geeignet ist. Keine jugendgefährdenden Inhalte, keine Gewalt. Dieses Buch enthält auf 72 Seiten die Episoden 1 bis 11 aus den Web-Comics (plus einem Skizzenbuch als Bonus...   [click here for more]
Ondrej Brinkel  $3.67

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Cthulhu Crisis Issue 0

Cthulhu Crisis Issue 0

Secret Lair of the Yellow Wizard - The first Monsters! Monsters! Mini-Adventure & Comic! This is a preview of Cthulhu Crisis: Rise of the Yellow Wizard, a combined gaming & comic adventure that melds the two into something you can read like a comic and then use as reference when running the included (and related) GM adventure! We are including M!M! stats for the main characters in the comic,...   [click here for more]
Carnal Comics  Pay What You Want

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Princess Lucinda and the ABC's of Transmutation (UPDATED)

Princess Lucinda and the ABC's of Transmutation (UPDATED)

How do you get rid of millions of smelly and obnoxious humans? Lucinda, a very wicked twelve-year-old magical Princess has a plan. Want to know what it is?  Here’s a hint, it starts with A and ends with Z. Princess Lucinda: And the ABCs of Transformation takes the idea of a children’s alphabet picture book and puts a wicked and twisted turn on it.  This is book is not only...   [click here for more]
Relentless Fiction  $10.99 $1.99

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Pepper&Carrot - Buch 2: Die Hexen von Chaosah

Pepper&Carrot - Buch 2: Die Hexen von Chaosah

Pepper&Carrot handelt von "Pepper", eine junge Hexe und ihrer Katze "Carrot". Sie leben in einem lustingen Fantasieuniversum, welches Tränke und magische Kreaturen enthällt. Es ist ein humorvolles Web-Comic, dass für jede(n) geeignet ist. Keine jugendgefährdenden Inhalte, keine Gewalt. Dieses Buch enthält auf 72 Seiten die Episoden 12 bis 21 aus den Web-Comics, 8,5"x11" (21,59x27,94cm) auf...   [click here for more]
Ondrej Brinkel  $3.67

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Kellie Deshler Saga #1

Kellie Deshler Saga #1

When Kellie Deshler runs afoul of a mad scientist's shrink ray she gets more of a thrill ride than she bargained for. ...   [click here for more]
Zephid Comics  $4.25 $3.00

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Princess Lucinda and the ABC's of Transformation

Princess Lucinda and the ABC's of Transformation

How do you get rid of millions of smelly and obnoxious humans? Lucinda, a very wicked twelve year old magical Princess has a plan. Want to know what it is?  Here’s a hint, it start with A and ends with Z. Princess Lucinda: And the ABC’s of Transformation takes the idea of a children’s alphabet picture book and puts a wicked and twisted turn on it.  This is book is not only...   [click here for more]
Relentless Fiction  $1.00

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girl in pink

girl in pink

Fluffy attire, idol-like features, and just how darn good they look in the color pink. These are the things Karen loves in girls — something the woman waiting for her at home is lacking. What gives? A short and sweet heartwarming story about the unpredictability of love. 【Author】 犬井あゆ (Ayu Inui): Yuri manga artist, well known for her series "If We Leave On The Dot" (定時にあがれたら)....   [click here for more]
YURI HUB  $1.97

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Kellie Deshler Saga #2

Kellie Deshler Saga #2

Kellie Deshler returns and she's bigger than ever, figuratively speaking. She's spunky, she's cute and romance will blossom for her. But will she succumb to the pressures of her new life? ...   [click here for more]
Zephid Comics  $6.00 $3.00

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Beneath the warm neon and cold steel of Pacific City, a pair of low-rent bounty hunters have been approached with a simple deal: Help a girl run away, and get a small fortune in return. However, simple becomes complicated when the girl in question is the number one idol of the number one record company in the world. A company willing to use any means necessary to...   [click here for more]
AAM Markosia  $5.99

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Kaiju Komix (Giant Monster Comics)

Kaiju Komix (Giant Monster Comics)

Kaiju Komix collects the colossal creatures and mighty mecha from public domain comics! Foxy future cop Atoma rounds up robots, Canzan captures Kong, The Island Monster invades New York, Captain Science clashes with Cthulu, a barbarian battles The Guardian Spiders, Norge Benson duels a space dragon, The Phantom Python ravages the jungle, giant ants attack stranded Earthlings, The Metal Monster vexes...   [click here for more]
Mini-Komix  $0.99

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Obscure O.V.A.s (anime fanzine) PDF & EPUB

Obscure O.V.A.s (anime fanzine) PDF & EPUB

Obscure O.V.A.s reviews over 100 of the most unknown anime titles to ever get released in America. Jer Alford is an otaku veteran with decades of experience at analyzing anime. His website of Anime Anyway explores various anime, manga, comics, and other cartoons. Original Video Animation is anime that get a straight to video release which has been around since the 1980s. Everything from mechas to magical...   [click here for more]
Mini-Komix  $3.00 $0.99

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Boytoys #1

Boytoys #1

When a young science whiz tries to miniaturize his girlfriend he finds himself looking up to her much to her amusement and later annoyance. ...   [click here for more]
Zephid Comics  $5.00 $3.00

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Drop Dead Dangerous #2

Drop Dead Dangerous #2

New Day. New Blood. Jack and Alice find themselves at an impasse when their client is found dead and their own personal demons start to emerge. The Raven continues his prowl and ominous signs accompany his return. Meanwhile, new players reveal themselves and war breaks out in the unsuspecting town. "(U)nique and original. A great hidden gem to check...   [click here for more]
Happy Lockjaw  $1.99

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Sharing Walls, Issue #1

Sharing Walls, Issue #1

Gary has just moved into an apartment. Unfortunately, he has a problem. Dan has also moved into the same apartment. While this is intentional, merely the fact that it is Dan is unfortunate. Why, you may ask? After witnessing how the objects in the house get placed, all may become readily apparent...perhaps too apparent. ...   [click here for more]
Noah Kastin  $1.00

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Drop Dead Dangerous #1

Drop Dead Dangerous #1

IT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING. They thought it was over. They were wrong. Back on the hunt for the maniacal figure known as The Raven, private detective Jack Smith must face a nightmare from his past--- but not all is as it seems. A new evil comes to town as he and his dumbstruck partner Alice, a young woman with secrets of her own, get tangled in a web of deception without realizing...   [click here for more]
Happy Lockjaw  $1.99 $0.99

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Killer Komix (Psychopathic Slasher Comics)

Killer Komix (Psychopathic Slasher Comics)

Killer Komix is psychotronic psychopathic horror comics! From the Golden Age, this creepy collection includes crafty clowns, ghastly ghosts, devilish deals, terror trees, vampire vanquishers, murderous mansions, space slashers, ghoulish ghosts, frozen fear, volcanic voodoo, and groovy graveyards! 100 Big Pages!...   [click here for more]
Mini-Komix  $0.99

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Boytoys #2

Boytoys #2

A more contrite Jarom tries to persuade Melanie to re-enlarge him. But the plot thickens when she discovers a creepy science teacher giving miniature men away like puppies. ...   [click here for more]
Zephid Comics  $5.00 $3.00

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"As much as I hate the dentist... I might be fine with never getting better." The ever-timid Maki tries to muster the courage to converse with an alluring receptionist who's always there at her dentist visits! Simply adorable yuri with Ayu Inui-sensei's unique style. 【Author】 犬井あゆ (Ayu Inui): Yuri manga artist, well known for her series "If We Leave On The Dot" (定時にあがれたら)....   [click here for more]
YURI HUB  $1.97

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Room for Honeys - Chapter 1

Room for Honeys - Chapter 1

"That coffee must be so bitter..." Ever-cheerful, caring-to-a-fault Tsumugi Hina grows increasingly worried about one of her repeat customers. Calm and collected Satoko Tojo gets help discovering a drink that she'll enjoy from Tsumugi, her barista. As she starts to explore her likes and dislikes, something else begins to bloom between them. A story about discovering that life doesn't have to be all...   [click here for more]
YURI HUB  $1.97

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Room for Honeys - Chapter 2

Room for Honeys - Chapter 2

The continuation of Ayu Inui's Room for Honeys about Tojo and Hina growing even closer. Even though they only interact in the morning as barista and customer, they begin to change one another in ways neither could have imagined. Check out chapter one as well! 【Author】 犬井あゆ (Ayu Inui): Yuri manga artist, well known for her series "If We Leave On The Dot" (定時にあがれたら)....   [click here for more]
YURI HUB  $1.97

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Biological Indestructible Tactical Combat Hybrid Squad #01

Biological Indestructible Tactical Combat Hybrid Squad #01

BIOLOGICAL INDESTRUCTIBLE TACTICAL COMBAT HYBRID SQUAD #01 After being abducted and beaten Viki is rendered unconscious beginning a  flashback that reveals the origin of a new world order! If you like sexy, sci-fi, alien, government conspiracy, action, you'll love BITCH Squad. A group of teen friends expose to the world, the truth about a top secret government project combining...   [click here for more]
C.O.M.I.C.S. INC.  $1.50

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Anime Arabian Nights

Anime Arabian Nights

Anime away with this otaku view on the Arabian Nights. Din is an art school dropout during the ancient days in Arabia, and runs across a feng shui fansubber/dark magician Yen-Sid who employs him to raid an ancient tomb. There, he comes across two genies, Jamie of the Ring, and Jesi of the Milk Bottle. Din uses Jesi's power to woo himself into the graces of fanboy favorite Princess Pantaloon. But Yen-Sid...   [click here for more]
Mini-Komix  $0.50

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Ninja High School Textbook Volume 1

Ninja High School Textbook Volume 1

Attention, class! Godfather of American Manga Ben Dunn has some heavy reading to kick off your Classic Lit course: the Ninja High School Textbook! The first 25 issues of Ninja High School are collected in one massive tome! Relive (or experience for the first time) the start of the series that introduced countless readers to the love-comedy manga genre back when most Americans couldn't...   [click here for more]
Battlefield Press  $12.00

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Imaginos Plus

Imaginos Plus

Imaginos Plus is a kickstarter funded anthology with a diversity rarely seen  in comics. It contains stories inspired by Sci Fi Fantasy Role Playing Gaming to Afro Futurisitic Dystopian set pieces created to entertain and transport the reader.  The brainchild pf Imaginos Workshop, Imaginos Plus shows our ability to build believability into the...   [click here for more]
Imaginos Workshop  $0.99

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Boston Metaphysical Society - Chapter Two Special Digital Edition

Boston Metaphysical Society - Chapter Two Special Digital Edition

The year is 1895...An evil from a parallel dimension escaped and now roams the city of Boston. Our world has developed along the lines of Steampunk technology, but with a modern twist. Here exists steam driven rudimentary computers and electronics. And dirigibles rule the sky. But with it comes social and political upheaval...   [click here for more]
Madeleine Holly-Rosing  $1.99

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MetaDocs #0

MetaDocs #0

Who saves the Super-heroes? What happens when the dust settles after an epic battle and the participants lie wounded and dying? Enter the MetaDocs, a crack team of extraordinary doctors and surgeons trained for just such a purpose. Who else knows how to jump a giant man’s heart? How do you operate on a man made of steel? How do you examine an invisible woman?...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $4.95 $1.00

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DinoWars #1

DinoWars #1

Prepare for World War D! We thought the dinosaurs were all gone. We were dead wrong. 65 million years ago, a species of evolved dinosaurs left our Earth, and now they're back! It's the Jurassic War of the Worlds as these Neosaurs commence a massive invasion to reclaim their planet and make Mankind extinct! Don't miss out on this action-packed miniseries that will give a whole new...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $3.50 $1.00

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DinoWars: Extinction Files #1

DinoWars: Extinction Files #1

FINAL ISSUE RAMPAGE! As the world teeters on the brink of dino-fueled destruction, the UN meeting with the Triassians is interrupted by a Megasaur attack! Hank, Deb, and their new friends escape into a secret underground base where human scientists are developing a weapon that just might turn the tide of the war. But if Hank can't deploy the weapon in time, the dinosaurs will make...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $3.50 $1.00

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DinoWars #2

DinoWars #2

"The Battle for Earth!" 100 million years ago, the dinosaurs evolved intelligence and escaped into space to avoid the Ice Age. Now they've returned, and they're bent on the extinction of Man! Astronaut Hank Armstrong struggles to save a convoy from biomechanical Jurassic weapons. On the other side of the world, Debra McDonald, a waitress with a dead-end job, encounters a different...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $3.50 $1.00

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DinoWars #3

DinoWars #3

"United We Stand!" The intelligent dinosaurs have launched their assault to reclaim Earth! Commander Hank Armstrong organizes the resistance to the invaders. Meanwhile, peaceable dinosaurs contact waitress Debra McDonald to negotiate a treaty, even as their warlike brethren pound Earth’s nations senseless! Can we survive? Featuring the high-impact writing and artwork of...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $2.99 $1.00

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DinoWars #4

DinoWars #4

FINAL ISSUE RAMPAGE! As the world teeters on the brink of dino-fueled destruction, the UN meeting with the Triassians is interrupted by a Megasaur attack! Hank, Deb, and their new friends escape into a secret underground base where human scientists are developing a weapon that just might turn the tide of the war. But if Hank can't deploy the weapon in time, the dinosaurs will make...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $3.50 $1.00

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MetaDocs: Code Black #1

MetaDocs: Code Black #1

Who saves the Super-heroes? Following the two hit specials of last year, the valiant staff of Meta Central, the hospital for superbeings, are on call again! Code Black, the worst possible emergency, has struck the MetaDocs' E.R.! Numerous staff and patients at Meta Central are falling UNdead, victims of a mystery virus. The remaining...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $3.50 $1.00

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MetaDocs: Type A #1

MetaDocs: Type A #1

Who saves the Super-heroes? Young Dr. Rayos' first day has been a very busy one. When a bunch of super-heroes get mauled badly by the evil villain Lord Drehd, it's up to the MetaDocs to come to the heroes’ rescue! But things get interesting when Lord Dhred himself ends up in the ER! Will the villain’s evil past affect Dr. Rayos' decision...   [click here for more]
Antarctic Press  $2.99 $1.00

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An action/monster horror series about a band of supernatural coffee shop patrons who team up to secretly protect the owner from other supernatural threats. ...   [click here for more]
Andres Labrada  Pay What You Want

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Moth to a Flame Vol 1.- Origins of a Dreamer

Moth to a Flame Vol 1.- Origins of a Dreamer

Volume 1 of Motte's Lore Comic. Jump in as you discover the origins of this Vtuber and how they've perceived life up until the day of their awakening. A short comic exploring the strange things the Professor and his assistant have been up to, with a bonus introspective section from Motte’s perspective before they awoke to the world. General Trigger and Content Warnings:...   [click here for more]
Roselysium  $4.99

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  Bloodshot: Definitive Edition