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Ray Landan: El Superatomico (Silver Age Spanish Space Hero)

Ray Landan: El Superatomico (Silver Age Spanish Space Hero)

Ray Landan: El Superatomico is a Silver Age space hero from Spain. U.S. Airforce Pilot Ray Landan is sent out in a rocket to investigate alien activity. He is then thrust into another world where he is given enhanced strength. This hostile realm is infested with ravenous dinosaurs, killer gorillas, flying saucers, and ruled by an evil emperor. All five issues of the original Spanish language sci-fi...   [click here for more]
Mini-Komix  $0.99 $0.50

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Tragones & Mamporros

Tragones & Mamporros

En un mundo en el que el oficio de aventurero es el más burocratizado, dos buscavidas de poca monta con delirios de grandeza se disponen a saquear una torre la cual se dice que está encantada. Con la falta de astucia de uno y la ausencia de elocuencia del otro se internan en lo desconocido ansiosos por encontrar un buen botín que los saque de pobres. Pero las cosas no tardarán...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $1.99

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Darkcat #1

Darkcat #1

Jonás finds out through a contact that the businessman Carlos Cruz visits his city, staying in an important hotel. He also knows that this businessman is actually an undercover mafia boss who protects criminals and possesses dozens of thugs at his disposal, among them: Pedro Parreira, a bastard son of a cat man. Currently, Parreira is a mercenary and it is possible that he sold himself for money...   [click here for more]
UMC Ediciones   FREE 

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Volveremos a París

Volveremos a París

Volveremos a París En el año 2033 Europa se encuentra ahogada por una serie de regímenes fascistas que subieron al poder tras una larga crisis económica que dejó a los países del continente en una total pobreza. Casi todos los inmigrantes han sido expulsados, y los disidentes políticos se encuentran o bien en el exilio o bien encarcelados. En un edificio abandonado de una banlieu de Paris...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $2.99

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El guión en la historieta

El guión en la historieta

El guión en la historieta Si siempre has querido saber cómo se escribe un guión de cómic, éste es tu libro. En esta obra se explica cómo se escribe un guión de cómic desde que surge la idea hasta su corrección una vez acabado. A lo largo de sus páginas veremos distintos métodos de escritura del guión...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $6.25

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Dientes de leche

Dientes de leche

Dientes de Leche Cara es una niña nerviosa y muy imaginativa que vive en un piso oscuro de largo pasillo con su padre y su madre. Éstos llevan ya varios días encerrados en su habitación, y la escasa comunicación que a veces se produce a través de la puerta con su hija es cada vez menos frecuente. Cara, abandonada y teniendo que valerse por sí misma,...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $0.99

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Mara - Chapter 1

Mara - Chapter 1

The first installment of Mara follows the titular character, moments before she’s suddenly caught in a bloody tribal war. Unwilling to allow the last of his tribe to die, a guardian wolf spirit descends upon Mara, taking her from a young girl in a small fishing village to an avatar of revenge. Buying this ebook gets  you the comic in four languages – English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Traditional...   [click here for more]
Stuffed Rock Studio  $6.99

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Dientes de leche Vol. 1

Dientes de leche Vol. 1

Dientes de Leche Cara es una niña nerviosa y muy imaginativa que vive en un piso oscuro de largo pasillo con su padre y su madre. Éstos llevan ya varios días encerrados en su habitación, y la escasa comunicación que a veces se produce a través de la puerta con su hija es cada vez menos frecuente. Cara, abandonada y teniendo que valerse por sí misma,...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $4.99

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Ojos de abismo

Ojos de abismo

Ojos de abismo 1977 Inglaterra…. 1986 El Sahara… Una ruta…. Un desierto…. Respuestas a preguntas sobre nuestros más personales, salvajes y oscuros secretos…. Una pareja…. Un aviador……. Él conoce TODO… En sus ojos residen nuestros más profundos y abismales momentos…. ...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $1.99

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Historietas Cortas

Historietas Cortas

Una selección de historietas escritas por Marta Tanrikulu. Hijo de Dos Imperios, La Maldicion del Decimotercer B'aktun, La Arena de Falstaff, Los Confiteros, Primer Contacto ...   [click here for more]
Stache Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Amelia Earhart (Spanish)

Amelia Earhart (Spanish)

Amelia Earhart, la pionera de la aviación, en un cómic apto para todas las edades. ...   [click here for more]
E-Scriptorium  $1.05 $0.52

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Chronology Xero #2

Chronology Xero #2

After a night of beatings and blood, Alejandro is invited to participate in an event in a tent of Neo Nazis. Knowing that these are responsible for drug trafficking in his neighborhood, he decides to give an unfriendly visit to the followers of the Third Reich. ...   [click here for more]
UMC Ediciones  $2.00

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Silver Sun #2

Silver Sun #2

The Beast escaped and nobody knows his whereabouts. In an attempt to obtain Extra information Silver Sun and Bianca are directed to the department Leonardo Larrea, the man killed by Green on a rooftop. Meanwhile, a stranger enters the Ministry of Defense and steals secret information. Silver Sun flies to the scene , but you will only find more questions . ...   [click here for more]
UMC Ediciones  $2.00

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Dientes de leche 04

Dientes de leche 04

Dientes de leche A Cara le despierta un terrible hedor que parece infectar toda la casa. Los golpes nunca cesan y la puerta principal cruje y tiembla a punto de abrirse. Osi llora continuamente. La máscara comienza a ser incómoda. Cara está más sola que nunca. Puede que haya llegado la hora de dejar que entren... o de irrumpir sin permiso en la habitación...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $1.99

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Dientes de leche 03

Dientes de leche 03

Dientes de leche La casa está sucia e infestada de insectos que parecen salir de todas partes. El miedo de Cara se convierte en ira que vuelca sobre sus padres, quienes, tras la puerta cerrada de su cuarto, parecen haber desaparecido por completo. Mientras, bajo su cama, los golpes se hacen más fuertes. Cuidado. Mejor guardar silencio, o volverán a llamar...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa  $1.99

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STAR MISSIONS is a Science Fiction Adventure series that takes place in the early 23rd century. Man has successfully populated distant star systems and for the past 25 years lived peacefully among the two alien worlds in the "Strolla System". All of that is about to change and the series begins. Follow the adventures of Blue-ray, Amanda, Governor Belter, Colonel Hand and a great cast...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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You have the story, you have the players, you have the name of the places they'll go, but you don't have the map. Here we have a fill in the blank prefabbed map for your own use. Maybe you've got a great storyline but have a tough time actually drawing out what the places look like. Maybe the players want to name some of the places on their own. You can simply take what they have and add some text...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Chronology Xero #1

Chronology Xero #1

A former Nazi General named Abboc, now a drug dealer, is very upset with Xero because he interferes with his business. To calm his anger, he summons the best bounty hunters in the country. The Kaiser promises a million dollar pay. In a bar, a group of young neo-Nazis get violent with other submissive boys and Alejandro confronts them. After the fight, on the way home, Alejandro listens through his...   [click here for more]
UMC Ediciones   FREE 

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This very special 80% off mega-bundle contains three complete "Age of Night" fantasy graphic novels, our swords-and-sorcery "At the Shrine of Othrys (A Campaign Report)," an introduction to the "GEBB" sci-fi mini-comic and sampling of issues from it, four French comics from World War I, and more! We have also thrown in a number of bonus items, including an adventure based on one of...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $73.81 $14.99

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Empty World Map

Empty World Map

This empty world map has every biome! From desert to lush forests to frozen tundras. Fill this map with your own cities and towns and let your players explore your custom world! If you would like a custom Battle Map, City/Regional Map, or World Map please contact me at on Twitter @NerdDadMaps or on Fiverr:! Hope to talk to you soon!...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Goblin Dungeon

Goblin Dungeon

Have your players explore the hidden depths of this goblin dungeon. In the center is the main congregating space where they squabble and fight over their recent plunders. In the bottom right the ruins of a dwarven mystic. A barred off room to the left speaks of a once caged creature. Does it still roam free in the caverns or has it left it to the goblin hordes? A rudimentary sleeping quarters is nestled...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Orc Outpost

Orc Outpost

A lone outpost sits on a branching river at the base of the mountains. The denizens may be happy to greet you or launch a volley of arrows in deterence of your arrival. For your own custom map you can contact me through my email: or Twitter: @NerdDadMaps. I also have a Fiverr if you would prefer a more official channel:   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Comic in English ...   [click here for more]
EX-FORCE Studio  $2.00 $1.50

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Prison/Jail Cells

Prison/Jail Cells

A basic prison set up with nine cells and a guards area. useful for anyone planning an escape montage for your party! Suitable as a battlemap or just a reference! ...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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STAR MISSIONS - #2 The Precanus System (SPANISH)

STAR MISSIONS - #2 The Precanus System (SPANISH)

Translation of Star Missions Issue #2 (The Precanus System) Colonel Hand takes over in the Strolla System. The Alien is identified and Blue-Ray is sent to the Precanus System to investigate the origin of the killer bugs! Continuation of Issue #1. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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STAR MISSIONS - #3 The Strolla System (SPANISH)

STAR MISSIONS - #3 The Strolla System (SPANISH)

Belter has lost power, his family and his will to live. In a series of flashbacks, we see how he discovered Angel's Gate and helped Terra recover. Also, how Belter made first contact with Zorag, the Hydran Leader. Somehow, his memory also could have revealed that the mysterious Hydrans know more about Terra and Belter than previously thought. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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STAR MISSIONS - #4 The Food Planet (SPANISH)

STAR MISSIONS - #4 The Food Planet (SPANISH)

Rescue attempt goes wrong and Colonel Hand makes a false step. Blue-Ray meets Teleka, beautiful Jamill from Planet Pladus. Belter gets a big surprise. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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STAR MISSIONS - #4 The Food Planet (SPANISH) (Variant Cover)

STAR MISSIONS - #4 The Food Planet (SPANISH) (Variant Cover)

Issue #4. Hand sends a team to rescue Blue-Ray. Blue-Ray meets Teleka for the first time and Belter gets a big surprise. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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Flaad Interrogates Blue-Ray. Ray and Teleka attempt an escape. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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Blue-Ray is safely back in the Strolla System but Major Lee asks him to go back to the Food Planet to try to recover Colonel Hand. Flaad reveals things about Terra’s past. Jonathan Belter’s memory of the lost 10 days starts to return. Emerson starts to create trouble. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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On the way back to the Strolla System from the Food Planet, the crew picks up life signs on the killer bug infested planet, Nisthura. Bugs are gone but the Terrans find survivors of the attack, including a Nisthuran that has unique powers. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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Colonel Hand is brought back to Hydra and Blue-Ray and Teleka part ways from Nisthura. Flaad’s worries are confirmed and Mining operations on Nova reveal some secrets about the planet and it’s inhabitants. Emerson Enterprises is also caught breaking the Nova land treaty with disastrous consequences. ...   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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Emerson of Emerson Enterprises, wants to be governor. His ambition causes him to break alliances and go rogue. Despite his arrogance, Emerson is a capable leader and is prepared for a fight as the Korram plan an overwhelming attack. However, Emerson may be fighting the wrong battle. Take a look at what happens next with Colonel Hand, Dr. Eleanora and the rest of the characters in the Strolla system....   [click here for more]
Explore Comic Books  $1.99

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Sunny Beachside Battleground

Sunny Beachside Battleground

Enjoy this Sunny Beach Battlemap! Right when you think your summertime vacation couldn't get any worse suddenly you're under attack! This sunny beach battleground is sure to lend a fun adventure for your party fight one. Multi tiered fights are always the best. Climb atop the cliffs and fire down or bull rush through the breaking waves to conquer your enemy! For your own custom map you can contact...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Tavern on the Red

Tavern on the Red

A wonderfully generic tavern setting as a reference photo for your players! Everywhere you look there's a story! Who's that mysterious character in the corner? Do those two drunks at the top think they're getting off easy? What could the barkeep be keeping behind his bar? All these are your questions to answer with your own story! Usable on any Virtual Tabletop program! ...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Warriors of Tomorrow #1

Warriors of Tomorrow #1

A group of warriors makes a reconnaissance on Planet 10, where sunlight does not reach directly, but through the reflection of its seven moons. Before landing, one of the ships "Spunfly" is reached by the attack of some giant plants. Once released, the danger does not subside and they are besieged by a group of gigantic reptiles in the shape of dinosaurs. The warriors will soon discover who awaits...   [click here for more]
UMC Ediciones   FREE 

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  Aerobicide - The Extreme Ninja Workout #1